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Oxford, Maryland, United States

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Back To The States

Our last night in the Bahamas we anchored on the Little Bahama Bank, north of Memory Rock and on the edge of Florida Straight.  In spite of rigorous weather forecasting and sea state analysis, we had no way of knowing about a 2-3 foot southwesterly swell coming off the straight and onto the area where we were anchored.  With nowhere to go, we rocked and rolled through a sleepless night until first light, when we were outta there.  Here's Peter surveying how the waves rearranged our furniture.

The next day we had a smooth passage to Ft. Pierce. Got fuel and stayed the night at Ron and Shelley's house. We are all amateur radio operators.  Peter and Ron talked about Ron's antenna tower, shown in the background.

Peter took this picture early one morning in Georgia. He said it was beautiful. I slept thru it.
Sunday June 12th  we arrived in Savannah GA in time to get some bread and milk, then off to the Winesett's for a wonderful early Father's Day feast. Lisa and Kathryn were up from FL for a birthday party on Saturday. My little grandbaby had turned into a wonderful todler in two and a half months since I saw her last. She loves frogs so she gave me one for Mother's Day. 

Kathryn loves to read and she always asks Pop to listen.

Larry and Papa Winesett built a new deck. Kathryn loves to sit on the steps going into the house. 

We just left Southport NC this morning after a wonderful visit with Miffi and Charlie.
  We hope to be home on the 22nd, weather permitting.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Heading Home

From Green Turtle we island-hopped northwest, preparing ourselves to cross to Ft. Pierce when the weather is right.  We anchored near Manjack Cay and walked long trails through dense woods to the beaches.  Next day, after a brief stop at Coopers Town for milk and bread, we anchored at nearby Powell Cay where we found lots of large shells in good condition.  Here are some miscellaneous photos from Manjack and Powell.  Don't forget, you can enlarge any of the pictures by clicking on them.

We keep trying to show you the fabulous colors in the waters, but they don't appear as brilliant here as they do in person.

This is a small shark passing by.

This feisty tulip stuck his tongue (or something) out at us.  We let him live.  It's tempting to keep live ones for their perfect shells, but we don't do it, and we don't buy shells from dealers for the same reason.

 From Powell we made a 40-mile run to Grand Cay, passing "Center of the World Rock" -- really!  Grand Cay is actually a miniature archipelago of rocky islands which form a little harbor, and there's a small fishing village.  We spent two nights at "Rosie's Place," a good marina and restaurant, where we enjoyed a fine dinner of fish and lobster.  Rosie is sort of a local godfather; it is said that nothing happens in this region without his blessing.  We walked around town, bought some fresh-baked banana bread; everyone here is very friendly.  Nancy is getting her grandbaby fix...

We surprised this guy, caught red-handed raiding the garbage.

Part of the harbour  (that's how they spell it down here; British, you know).

 The Bahamas offer many contrasts.  It's common to see large, well-kept houses adjacent to shacks.  Often the best buildings are the government centers and the churches.

Some new houses along the waterfront.

This is pretty much the end of this trip, except for the getting home part. We'll anchor out on the Little Bahama Bank someplace when the wind is right, positioned to cross the Gulf Stream the next day.  We'll check in at Ft. Pierce and then put in long days up the ICW.  Should be home by June twentysomething.  We've had a great time...definitely the best trip we've ever done on our own boat.